Screen Scraping is the gathering and use of data taken from the visible display - the content visible to a user on a webpage.

Screen scraping can complement web scraping by extracting data from web pages when traditional methods are ineffective or unavailable. This technique can help deal with anti-scraping measures or obfuscation and is useful for extracting non-text formats, such as charts or PDFs. Some web scraping APIs like Zyte API also support screen scraping, providing easy-to-capture screenshots and integrating this method to overcome common challenges in web scraping.

This article will cover screen scraping as an ethical practice in web data extraction. When to use it, how to use it and the tools to use.

Introduction to Web Scraping

Web Scraping Process

Web scraping involves sending HTTP requests to a web server to retrieve a webpage's HTML content, then parsing this HTML using tools like BeautifulSoup to navigate its structure. Once parsed, specific data elements are extracted based on tags, classes, or IDs and then stored in a structured format for further use, enabling automated data collection from websites.

The role of Web Scraping APIs

Web scraping APIs support developers by providing tools to help manage the intricacies of Web Scraping allowing them to use more focus on what they need which is the end data. An example of their function is sending the HTTP requests to retrieve web pages.

Screen scraping is the process of converting visual information from the display into a form more workable by other applications or for analysis such as preparing the screen scraping data into a database.

Introduction to Screen Scraping

What is included in the process of screen scraping?

Screen scraping involves automating the interaction with a graphical user interface (GUI) to capture visual data, often using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to convert text within images or PDFs into machine-readable formats for data extraction.

Common Tools in Screen Scraping

Some common tools used in Screen Scraping are: 

  • Selenium

  • Puppeteer

  • Playwright 

  • Zyte API

  • Tesseract OCR

Screen Scraping in Web Scraping Use Cases

Dynamic Content

Screen scraping can capture content rendered by JavaScript that web scraping might miss as it interacts with the fully rendered page, including dynamic elements and data loaded after the initial HTML is fetched.

Complex Web Interfaces

Traditional web scraping techniques might struggle with complex web interfaces because they typically only retrieve static HTML content. However, screen scraping can simulate real user interactions, allowing for the extraction of data that only becomes available after certain actions are performed on the page. This capability is crucial for accessing paginated data or elements that load dynamically as users interact with the website.

Avoiding Anti-Scraping Measures

Screen scraping can deal with IP blocks and other protections by rotating proxies, simulating interactions by acting on visual display information then managing session cookies to avoid detection and dealing with security measures accordingly.

Extracting Non-HTML Data

Screen scraping can extract data from images, charts, or other visual elements by capturing what’s displayed on the screen and using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to convert text within these visual elements into machine-readable data. Additionally, it can analyse graphical content like charts, allowing data extraction from complex visual formats that traditional scraping methods might miss.

Integrating Screen Scraping with Web Scraping

Combining Tools and Techniques

Combining screen scraping with traditional web scraping tools like Zyte API can be highly effective for complex data extraction. For instance, you can use Zyte API to handle the initial data retrieval and HTML parsing, employing provided screen scraping techniques to interact with dynamic elements and capture content rendered by JavaScript. This approach ensures the gathering of data that traditional scraping alone might miss.

Automating User Interactions

Automating complex web interactions with screen scraping techniques is essential when dealing with dynamic websites or user-driven content. Tools like Selenium and Puppeteer allow developers to automate actions such as form submissions, clicks, and navigation through interactive elements. These strategies can be facilitated or combined with traditional web scraping APIs like Zyte API, which excels in structured data extraction, and you can create robust workflows capable of ban handling and dynamic content handling. This hybrid approach ensures comprehensive data collection from challenging websites.

Challenges of Screen Scraping in Web Scraping

Technical Challenges

Screen scraping faces challenges like maintaining scripts when website interfaces change, as even minor alterations in layout or element identifiers can break automated workflows. 

Regular updates and testing of screen scraping scripts are essential to adapt to these changes and maintain effective data extraction. 

Performance and Reliability Issues

Integrating screen scraping can face challenges with screen capturing and OCR, which aren't always 100% reliable, particularly when dealing with complex layouts or distorted text. These issues can lead to inaccuracies in data extraction. Zyte helps mitigate these problems by offering robust solutions that optimise the capture process and enhance the accuracy of OCR, ensuring that the data extracted is as reliable as possible, even when dealing with intricate or variable website designs. This results in a more dependable screen scraping experience.

Using Zyte API for Web scraping and Screen Scraping

Zyte API can be leveraged for both web scraping and screen scraping by providing a unified platform that handles the complexities of both techniques. It allows developers to seamlessly integrate HTML parsing with screen scraping methods, including handling dynamic content and OCR tasks, all within the same workflow. This makes it easier to combine traditional web scraping with more advanced screen scraping when dealing with interactive or visually complex websites, ensuring comprehensive data extraction with minimal integration effort.

Zyte API enhances screen scraping by efficiently handling dynamic content and complex web interfaces, enabling seamless interaction with JavaScript-heavy sites and automating tasks like scrolling and form submissions. With its advanced browser rendering and custom scripting capabilities, Zyte ensures accurate and comprehensive data extraction from even the most interactive websites.


For web scraping challenges like dynamic content, handling complex web interfaces, anti-ban measures, and extracting non-HTML data, Zyte API stands out as the best solution. Its advanced capabilities in rendering, scripting, and interaction make it a reliable tool for navigating the complexities of modern web scraping, ensuring efficient and ethical data extraction​.


What is screen scraping?

Screen scraping involves capturing visual data from a webpage and converting it into a usable format for analysis.

How does screen scraping differ from traditional web scraping?

Screen scraping captures visual display information, while web scraping focuses on extracting HTML data.

What are common tools used in screen scraping?

Tools like Selenium, Puppeteer, Playwright, and Tesseract OCR are commonly used for screen scraping.

How does screen scraping handle dynamic content?

Screen scraping can interact with fully rendered pages, capturing content loaded by JavaScript.

Can screen scraping avoid anti-scraping measures?

Yes, screen scraping can avoid anti-scraping measures by simulating user interactions and using proxies.

What is the role of OCR in screen scraping?

OCR is used in screen scraping to convert text from images, PDFs, or charts into machine-readable data.

How does Zyte API enhance screen scraping?

Zyte API integrates screen scraping with traditional web scraping, automating tasks like handling dynamic content.

What challenges are faced when using screen scraping?

Challenges include keeping scripts updated when web interfaces change and dealing with unreliable OCR in complex layouts.

Why is screen scraping important for complex web interfaces?

Screen scraping is crucial for accessing data behind logins, dynamic pages, or elements that only appear after user interactions.