Achieving a high success rate with your scrapers has become a huge challenge in the past few years. Many businesses that depend on web data extraction struggle to get high-quality data at scale. Our Zyte Smart Proxy Manager (formerly Crawlera) webinar series is designed to help you with that.

Join us in the 2nd part of the series to learn more about Zyte Smart Proxy Manager (formerly Crawlera), our proxy management platform. Our Technology Evangelist, Attila Toth, and Co-Founder, Pablo Hoffman, will reveal some of the “magic” behind Zyte Smart Proxy Manager and what’s really happening under the hood while managing proxies automatically.

What you will learn in this webinar:

  • Find out how Zyte Smart Proxy Manager is different

  • Learn more about browser profiles

  • Learn how and why to override specific headers (X-Crawler-cookies, X-Crawlera-sessions, X-Crawlera-profile, etc)

  • Get a peek inside our workflow when your proxies don't work for specific websites

Zyte delivers more than 7.9 billion successful requests with a 94.5% success rate - every single month, consistently - for our biggest clients overall. Watch this webinar to catch a glimpse of how that’s possible.